Press release 20/11/2008 Print

Press material

Budapest, 20 November 2008

eHEALTH8 - Healthcare and IT R& D Project for the Distance Healthcare of the Future

Answare Kft. has received a fund of 680 million HUF in the tender of National Technology Programme's ICT Devices Supported Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) sub-programme for its project Embedded Telemedicine Systems Based on Medical Protocol Providing Health Gain and Improvement of Individual Quality of Life

For the implementation of the project, the short name of which is eHEALTH8, a consortium was established by IT and medical experts in cooperation with Answare Kft, Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, HumanSoft Kft., Semmelweis University, and Thormed Kft. The aim of this 3-year R&D project, launched in September 2008, is the establishment of the IT and medical bases, as well as a working prototype of a distance-healthcare system.

The greatest novelty of this project on the national and international stage resides in the complex approach to its topic. Thus, our aim is not only to develop a prototype of any telemedicine system, but the establishment of a telemedicine standard-, device-, and process system (platform) that is able to provide a well marketable, widely applicable (in different medical fields, pharmaceutical industry as well as in the healthcare consumer market), and flexible solution by means of the representation of a standardized medical protocol and a set of tools aiming at mobility.

Telemedicine solutions that are able to follow and implement the regulatory systems of medical protocols are expected to become ever more widespread among healthcare systems, while becoming increasingly in demand among patients both in Hungary and other countries of the European Union. Since this project elaborates the guidelines for the medical protocols in Hungary by taking into account and summarizing international experience, the evolving new protocols can constitute innovation not only in Hungary but abroad as well.

As a result of the activities of the consortium established under the leadership of Answer Kft, methodologies and technologies can be developed that facilitate the rationalization, differentiability and efficiency improvement of healthcare services. The Inter-institutional IT System developed within the framework of HEFOP 4.4 programme can operate as an independent unit as well, thus it can immediately provide Telemedicine services (telehomecare – telemonitoring - telerehabilitation) for 39 medical institutions.