The eHEALTH8 project Print
In order to implement the project entitled eHEALTH8 a consortium was established by well-known information technology and medical experts, such as Answare Ltd., Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, HUMANsoft Ltd., Semmelweis University, Thormed Research & Development, Medical Instrument Production Ltd. The objective of the R&D project with duration of three years, launched in September 2008 is to set the information technological and medical basis of a telemedicine service system and produce its operating prototype.

From domestic and international point of view probably the most considerable state-of-the-art feature of the project was the complex approach of the theme. The objective is not only to produce the prototype of “one” telemedicine system, but to establish a system (platform) of telemedicine standards, instruments and processes that offers well deliverable, far-reaching applicable (on the fields of several medical professions, medicine industry and health care consumer market), flexible solution by means of medical professional protocol representation and mobility aiming set of tools.

More extensive utilization of medical professional protocol guided telemedicine solutions is expected on health care delivery side, and is becoming more in demand by patients both in Hungary and other member states of the European Union. Since Hungarian medical professional directives were developed within the project by summarizing and taking into consideration international experiences, the appearing new protocols will probably bear fresh values not only in Hungary but from international aspects as well.

As a result of the efforts to be made by the consortium lead by Answare Ltd. such methods and solutions hade come into existence that enable rationalization, differentiation and cost efficiency development of health care delivery system as well. The system to be developed during project implementation can be utilize as an individual regional unit of Interinstitutional Information System that has been developed within the framework of HEFOP 4.4 Program, so it can immediately offer telemedicine (telehomecare-telemonitoring-telerehabilitation) services for 39 health care institutions.