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The project (TECH_08-D3-2008-0053)  is funded by the Research and Technology Innovation Fund and supported by the National Development Agency.
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  • The members of the eHEALTH8 consortium took part in Researchers' Night on 28th September, 2012 presenting some of the project products. The aim of the event is promoting science and research careers. The consortium members were waiting the visitors at two locations: at Semmelweis University (Budapest) and at Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. (Miskolc). The latter was also a co-organizer of the seventh edition of the event supported also by the European Commission. Those who were interested could learn about and try out the exercises that support stroke rehabilitation with visual feedback and can be done at home by means of a tool system that suits to handicapped patients' needs and offering them participation in a controlled and supervised rehabilitation at home. In addition visitors could try out a memory game as well that supports rehabilitation of cognitive capabilities of patients. Moreover at Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. visitors could ride on the so-called “magic chair” that controls and drives a small car. At Semmelweis University visitors could perform pulmonary function tests by means of devices developed by Thormed Ltd. - also one of the consortium members -, and then could take home their printed test results.



  •     The authors of the article "Healthcare Service Based on ICT: the eHealth Telemedicine System" written during the project eHEALTH8  received the Pollák-Virág award on May 24th 2012. Congratulations!



  • The report of the 3rd  work phase of the project and the final report too were accepted by MAG Zrt. 


  • The financial and professional report of the 3rd  work phase of the project and the final report too were submitted on 30.09.2011. to the MAG Zrt.


  • TV interview of Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közalapítvány about telemedicine on Miskolc TV
  •  Integration test of real time – online operation mode were successfully completed  (asthma care protocol)


  • Thormed devices developed within the eHEALTH8 project (read more)


  • We presented the results of the eHEALTH8 project on the international exhibition of eHEALTH Week 2011. (The World of Health IT)


  • Telemedicine process of asthma diagnosis were presented to a tecnology partner interested in the field of health.


  • Spirotube Mobile and "Otthon" spirometry tools were displayed the last time in China on the CMEF exhibition.


  • The test of the Home Hub started with new design and  technology.


  • Telemedicine process of asthma diagnosis and the first version of the belonging tools were presented to the participating doctor