Research results 2009 - A Feasibility Study concerning endpoint devices prepared by Bay-Logi Kft. and Thormed Kft.
- A Summary Study prepared “about the formalisms and related solutions describing medical protocols and guidelines assisted by IT devices".
- A Review Study prepared about the formalisms and representational languages applied in the field of Telemedicine.
- A Medical sample-protocol supplemented with the questions of Telemedicine prepared.
- The protocol representation framework was prepared
- A Review Study prepared about the “the architecture of TELEMED systems and the technologies applied in the course of their implementation”.
- Thormed Kft developed the breadboard of the Telemedicine endpoint device for the project.
- “Understanding Medical Protocols” – an essay prepared with the involvement of a university student at a project laboratory course.
- Telemedicine HUB study was developed by Bay-Logi Kft;
- “Business and Operational Model of TELEMED Systems” – a study was developed
- Result product of the 1st year of the project: “Concept of the eHealth8 Protocol Repository”
- Result product of the 1st year of the project: „eHEALTH8 Protocol repository System design”